- The Global Open University Nagaland (TGOU)
- Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University, Arunachal Pradesh (IGTAMSU)
- National Community College-Project for Skill Development (NCCSD)
- World Academy of Vocational Education (WAVE)
- Albert Einstein School of Non-Formal Education (AESNFE)
- Indian Institute for Ecology and Environment (IIEE)
- Plusone Ventures
- Women India Network for Development (WIND)
- World Institution Building Program
- Women’s Initiatives for Publishing Encyclopedia
- Indian Institute of Human Rights
- Age Care Council of India
- Women’s Initiative for Disaster Education
- Women’s Institute for Research and Development
- Indian National Trust for Education and Research
- Global Warming Centre (GWRC)
- Centre for Integrated Learning (CIL)
- Indo European Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises(IECSME)
- Shanker Gramudyog Sewa Samiti, Ayodhaya, Uttar Pradesh
- Jagdish Kalyan Samiti (JKS)