We welcome the support of corporates and organisations who would like to donate funds or resources as part of a cause-related marketing programme or as part of their social responsibility commitments.

Below are some of the ways in which you can benefit our children:

Today, Corporate Social responsibility(CSR) finds expression in holistic Corporate involvement to help the disadvantaged. Many Corporates encourage employees to do voluntary work.

Payroll Giving

Payroll giving is an excellent way to give to charity. When you choose payroll giving, your donation is taken from your monthly salary before tax is deducted.
This is an easy way to contribute and does not involve any paper work. Once your donation is set up, you don’t have to do anymore. Each month, as regular as clockwork, your contribution will benefit. For more information about the scheme and how to get involved,please contact us

Activities with kids :

Corporates can organise activities for kids like carnivals, picnics, painting competition, visit to zoos etc. They can also consider running some games/activities to educate and entertain children. These activities do much more to lift the children’s spirits and make them enjoy a fun-filled atmosphere.
If you would like further information on how to organise these events, please contact us

Sponsor an Event :

We at WOMEN INTERNATIONAL NETWORK (WIN) conduct various fundraising events like Graphic and Art Camps and Exhibitions as well as Educational Seminars and Conferences and many additional events please visit our website for details .We continually look for sponsors for these events. You can help by sponsoring such events.
If you would like to sponsor any such event, please contact us

Advertise in our Soverniers :

We bring out souvenirs for special occasions. You can contribute towards our fundraising events by advertising in our souvenirs. This is a simple and effective way of brand building and donating for a cause as well. For further information, please contact us

Build Awareness :

You can promote our organisation by running our banners on your website and by inhouse-publication.
For further information, please contact us